DE6 - Street Directory
List of streets in DE6
- Norbury Mill Bridgesecondary
- North Avenuesecondary
- North Laneunclassified
- North Leysresidential
- Northcliffe Roadresidential
- Northwood Laneunclassified
- Northwood Riseresidential
- Oak Crescentresidential
- Oak Driveresidential
- Oak Laneunclassified
- Offcote Crescentresidential
- Okeover 1footway
- Okeover Avenueresidential
- Old Bakery Closeresidential
- Old Bankunclassified
- Old Derby Roadresidential
- Old Hilltertiary
- Old School Closeresidential
- Old School Meadowsresidential
- Oldfield Laneunclassified
- Orchard Closeresidential
- Orchard Laneunclassified
- Ordley Laneunclassified
- Osleston Lanetertiary
- Ousley Laneunclassified
- Oxclose Laneunclassified
- Oxmeadunclassified
- Park Avenueresidential
- Park Crescentresidential
- Park Laneunclassified
- Park Viewresidential
- Parkfield Laneunclassified
- Parkgate Laneunclassified
- Path up to Tissington Trailfootway
- Payne Gardensresidential
- Peak View Driveresidential
- Pearl Bankresidential
- Peats Closeresidential
- Pedley Driveresidential
- Peter Streetservice
- Petty Close Laneservice
- Piccadilly Laneunclassified
- Pickerell Closeresidential
- Pickford Groveresidential
- Pickleys Laneunclassified
- Pimm's Roadservice
- Pine Croftresidential
- Pinfold Laneunclassified
- Pipehay Laneresidential
- Poles Roadservice
- Poplar Crescentresidential
- Portaway Lanesecondary
- Post Office Roadunclassified
- Poyser Laneresidential
- Premier Avenueresidential
- Priory Closeresidential
- Public footpathfootway
- Pump Laneunclassified
- Quilow Laneunclassified
- Quixhill Closeresidential
- Radbourne Commonsecondary
- Rakes Laneunclassified
- Ramshorn 21footway
- Ramshorn 24footway
- Ramshorn 25footway
- Range Moor Laneunclassified
- Rectory Laneservice
- Ribden Roadtertiary
- Riddings Laneunclassified
- Roadmeadow closeresidential
- Rodsley Laneunclassified
- Roston Commonunclassified
- Rough Laneunclassified
- Roughlow Laneunclassified
- Rousseau Courtresidential
- Rowan Tree Closeresidential
- Royston Closeresidential
- Ruggs Laneunclassified
- Rushley Bridgeunclassified
- Sallyfield Laneunclassified
- Saltbrook Laneservice
- Salts Laneunclassified
- Sand Laneresidential
- Sandybrook Closeresidential
- Saracens Courtresidential
- Saxon Closeresidential
- School Closeunclassified
- School Laneunclassified
- School Riseresidential
- Scout Laneservice
- Shakespere Courtunclassified
- Shaw Croftresidential
- Shaw Laneservice
- Shawsberry Laneresidential
- Shirley Laneunclassified
- Shrewsberry Courtresidential
- Sides Lanetertiary
- Sitch Laneservice
- Slack Laneunclassified
- Slade Hollow Laneunclassified
- Slade Lanetertiary
- Sladehollow Laneunclassified
- Smith-Hall Lanetertiary
- Smiths Yardunclassified
- Smithy Closeresidential
- Snapes Laneunclassified
- Snipesmoor Laneunclassified
- Somersal Laneunclassified
- South Streetresidential
- South Viewunclassified
- Spalden Avenueresidential
- Spencer Closeresidential
- Spend Laneunclassified
- Spire Closeresidential
- Spring Bankservice
- Springfield Avenueresidential
- Sprinkswood Laneunclassified
- Squashley Bankunclassified
- St Bertram's Bridgefootway
- St Monicas Wayservice
- St Oswald Crescentresidential
- St. Michael's Closeservice
- Stable Laneunclassified
- Stainsbro Laneunclassified
- Standlow Laneunclassified
- Stanshope Laneunclassified
- Stanton Laneunclassified
- Stanton Roadresidential
- Station Roadresidential
- Stepping Stonesfootway
- Stevenson Roadresidential
- Stonepit Lanetertiary
- Stoney Laneservice
- Stuart Closeresidential
- Stubbs Laneunclassified
- Stubby Lanesecondary
- Sudbury Parkresidential
- Sundial Walkresidential
- Sutton Lanetertiary
- Swan Roadresidential
- Sycamore Back Roadresidential
- Sycamore Roadresidential
- Sycamore Wayresidential
- Taghole Laneunclassified
- Taylor Courtresidential
- Taylor's Laneunclassified
- The Avenuetertiary
- The Channelfootway
- The Crescentresidential
- The Croftsfootway
- The Cunneryresidential
- The David Fox Footbridgefootway
- The Fairwaysresidential
- The Firsresidential
- The Flattsresidential
- The Footunclassified
- The Gallerypedestrian
- The Greentertiary
- The Green Roadsecondary
- The Greenacreresidential
- The Hallsteadsresidential
- The Hollowunclassified
- The Miresunclassified
- The Oaksfootway
- The Parkresidential
- The Pinchunclassified
- The Plainresidential
- The Rakesunclassified
- The Squaretertiary
- The Stablesunclassified
- The Stitchingsunclassified
- The Swinging Bridgefootway
- The Terraceunclassified
- The Willowsresidential
- Thimble Hillresidential
- Thornley Placeservice
- Thorntree Roadresidential
- Thorpe Roadunclassified
- Thorpe Viewresidential
- Thorswood Laneunclassified
- Throstle Nest Wayresidential
- Thurvaston Laneunclassified
- Thurvaston Roadunclassified
- Tigar Yardunclassified
- Tinkerley Laneunclassified
- Tit Bridgesecondary
- Tithebarn Laneunclassified
- Toby's Hillunclassified
- Top Lonsunclassified
- Top Of Hopeunclassified
- Topshill Laneunclassified
- Town Endunclassified
- Town End Laneunclassified
- Town Hall Yardunclassified
- Town Headunclassified
- Tunnel Yardpath
- Turlowfields Lanetertiary
- Turnpike Laneresidential
- Tutbury Hollowresidential
- Twisses Bankunclassified