Home » England » Cumbria » Eden District » Brough Ward

Brough Ward (Eden District) Street Guide and Map

List of streets in Brough Ward

  • A

  • Appleby Road
  • B

  • Barras Brow
  • Black Bull Lane
  • Black Bull Lane
  • Blandswath Bridge
  • Bleathgill Road
  • Bridge Street
  • C

  • Castle Park
  • Castle View
  • Christ Croft
  • Church Lane
  • Church Lane
  • Croft Close
  • G

  • Green Lane
  • H

  • Helbeck Road
  • High Street
  • L

  • Lady Anne Drive
  • Leacett Lane
  • M

  • Main Street
  • Main Street
  • Musgrave Bridge
  • Musgrave Lane
  • Musgrave Lane
  • Musgrave Lane
  • N

  • New Road
  • New Road
  • O

  • Oxenthwaite Bridge
  • P

  • Pembroke Close
  • Ploughlands Lane
  • S

  • Swan Avenue
  • Swillings Lane
  • Swillings Lane
  • V

  • Vicarage Drive
  • Vicarage Drive



  • Brough
  • Brough Sowerby
  • Church Brough
  • Great Musgrave


  • Barras
  • Flitholme
  • Helbeck
  • Langrigg
  • Little Musgrave
  • North Stainmore
  • Oxenthwaite


  • Bale Hill
  • Barnarm Scar
  • Baron Cross
  • Battle Hill
  • Black Bank
  • Black Hause
  • Black Rake
  • Black Riggs
  • Black Tewthwaite
  • Blands Wath
  • Brackenber Hill
  • Brown Castle
  • Brownber Rigg
  • Burnt Hill
  • Causey
  • Causey Moss
  • Clatteringdike Nook
  • Coalgill Head
  • cocklake Hills
  • Cold Anet
  • Courn Scar
  • Double Scar
  • Dowgill Head
  • Ewebank Scar
  • Hall Fell
  • Hardhills
  • Hayber Hill
  • Helbeck Low Fell
  • Helbeck Wall End
  • High Crag
  • High Crngle Fell
  • High Edge
  • High Greygrits
  • Hodgson Hill
  • Horseshoe
  • Johnson Scar
  • Johnson's Plain
  • Key Scar
  • Leonards Crag
  • Ley Seat
  • Limes Head
  • Little Knipe
  • Litts Garth
  • Long Band
  • Long Rigg
  • Longclose Wood
  • Low Greyrits
  • Middle Fell
  • Millstone Howe
  • Moorland Shaw
  • Mount Ida
  • Musgrave Fell
  • Musgrave Scar
  • Nuts Hill
  • Oldpark
  • Palliard Scar
  • Pattinson's Allotment
  • Plucka Hill
  • Polly Moss
  • Risp Howe
  • Round Hill
  • Scroggy Bank
  • Seavy Rigg
  • Slapestone
  • Slapestones
  • Slate Quarry Moss
  • Slate Sikes
  • Smithfield
  • South Stainmore
  • Sowerby Park
  • Spittal Ings
  • Spoonymire Hill
  • Spring Hills
  • Stainmore Common
  • Strutford Side
  • Tewfitt Mires
  • Thorny Hill
  • Tinbridge Hill
  • Turks Head
  • Wham Mouth
  • White Brow
  • White Fleets
  • White Stone
  • Whitestone Rigg
  • Whitrigg
  • Windmore End
  • Woofer Moor
  • Yosgill Scar